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#1 en Educación Superior en Canadá



CLASS Education te proporciona

la asesoría y todos los servicios

necesarios para estudiar en el


Educational Consulting
Registration Procedures
Student visa procedures
Reception at the airport
Health insurance
Educational Consulting
Registration Procedures
Student visa procedures
Reception at the airport
Health insurance





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CLASS Education es una empresa canadiense establecida en México en Junio de 1994. 


CLASS es un acrónimo que significa: Canadian Language and Academic Studies Services


Hemos ayudado a más de 10,000 personas a realizar su sueño de estudiar en Canadá.


Creemos en el poder de la adversidad, en crecer cuando las cosas se ponen difíciles, en aprovechar cada tormenta para ser mejores, más fuertes y más resilientes.


CLASS Education trabaja con más de 300 instituciones en Canadá, en las 10 provincias del país. Miles de programas de estudio que te ayudarán a trabajar e inmigrar a Canadá.

Other students share their experiences

Dana Ximena Ortega
Dana Ximena Ortega
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The truth at the beginning of the camp I talk about the day Sunday that I arrived at Lakefiel it made me super heavy, but everything was improving as the days went by. The food seemed fine to me, there was no problem with anything. I came back in love with Lakefield! It was an incredible experience and I would definitely return !!!! Super recommended !!
Alfredo Yáñez
Alfredo Yáñez
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The experience was incredible, I enjoyed this experience and I do not regret it, I loved it and I am already making plans with my friends that I met in the camp for next year and see if now we are going to Los Angeles to another camp like this and that it is from Tammwood. I hope in the future I can go to study there in Vancouver now that I finish my high school.
Nancy Domínguez
Nancy Domínguez
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It was a wonderful experience, I loved the school, the city and everything. Enchanted to take another trip.
Carolina Reyes
Carolina Reyes
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The Class Education team has helped me start one of the goals I had in my life. Everything went very well, thank God. The classes are what I expected and now we are only pending to be able to find work soon.
Elena Domínguez
Elena Domínguez
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CLASS Education helped me fulfill my dream, which was to live in Ottawa and go to Carleton University. Going to university in Canada is wonderful, because you meet people from all over the world, from different cultures and they are very friendly. Living outside of Mexico is incredible because you grow as a person and do a lot friends, which are for the rest of your life. I recommend that you get involved in university activities such as: Clubs, committees, sports equipment ...
Lizzeth Morales
Lizzeth Morales
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I am studying Aerospace Engineering, which is a career that is not available in the Mexican universities. Thanks to CLASS Education I was able to get to know Confederation College, apply to the school and do all my procedures always on time and super easy. I am truly very grateful, VERY HAPPY and enjoying this wonderful experience, being an international student is AMAZING!