quienes somos CLASS 1


CLASS Education es una empresa Canadiense con más de 28 años de experiencia en el mercado mexicano, durante los cuales ha brindado apoyo a miles de estudiantes para lograr su proyecto académico en el extranjero; estudiando idiomas, viviendo increíbles aventuras en campamentos, teniendo inolvidables experiencias en Secundarias y Preparatorias, así como lograr gran proyección y un cambio de vida al estudiar la Universidad o un College en el extranjero.

These good experiences have been achieved, thanks to the fact that we focus on giving a complete assessment to each of our students, in addition to seeking their academic satisfaction.

We also consider factors that influence these projects and mainly the final goal of our students.

The schools that we represent in the different destinations are institutions with a high academic standard, affiliated with international organizations that guarantee the quality of study programs, facilities and activities.

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Guarantee the highest quality in our services, promoting a long-term business relationship with each of our clients and business partners by satisfying their needs with professionalism in educational consulting.

Mission and vision

Trigger the personal and professional growth of our clients, making their dreams of living an experience abroad come true, enriching their environment through education.
To be an avant-garde leader in educational consulting, providing solidity and reliability, through a comprehensive service, with a presence in Mexico and Latin America.

Our values

  • Quality in the service
  • Honesty
  • Teamwork
  • Integrity
  • Enthusiasm
Years of experience in the Mexican market
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Students abroad have achieved their dream
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Schools with a high academic standard
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Educational programs to choose from around the world
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"Thanks to the fact that we focus on giving a complete assessment to each of our students, we generate their satisfaction in academics."
Bruno Perron

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Manager Staff


Sara Basurto


Irais Escobar

Finance Manager

Nahatyeli Barrera

Sales Mananger