
LaSalle College LaSalle College 1 LaSalle College 2 LaSalle College 3 LaSalle College 4 LaSalle College

LaSalle College


Razones para elegir LaSalle College
  • Institución con 2 campus: en Vancouver el College más importante en desarrollo de Videojuegos y Animación; en Montreal el College bilingüe más grande de Norteámerica.
  • Vancouver hub en el área Films, Video Games y TV, Montreal la ciudad bilingüe por excelencia.
  • 17 mil estudiantes, más de 90 nacionalidades
  • Programas: Certificados, Diplomas, Licenciatura y Especialidades
  • Más de 60 programas en Artes Creativas, Negocios, Turismo, Computación, Cocina, etc.
  • La mayoría de programa en Montreal cuentan con Internships para practicar lo aprendido
  • Áreas de estudio: Business Management, IT Information Technology Programmer Analyst, Transportation Logistics Audio & Film, Culinary, Game Design & VFX, Graphic Design, Fashion, Interior Design, Arts.
  • Convenio con empresas como Electronic Arts, Eidos Interctative, Nintentendo, Bardel, Sony Pictures, Image Works, Disney, Warner Bros entre otras para emplear a sus estudiantes una vez graduados
  • Los estudiantes de LaSalle han trabajado en diversas películas nominadas y ganadoras del Oscar
  • 100% de sus estudiantes son contratados 6 meses después de graduados
  • Salario promedio de un egresado es de 50 a 90 mil CAD por año
  • Más de 60 programas, la mayoría con Co-Op
  • Programas AEC: Programas elegibles a PGWP (Permiso de trabajo por 3 años al terminar el programa). Requisito de inglés: equivalente a un B1-B2 en IELTS


LaSalle College is the largest bilingual university in North America. It brings together five specialized schools with more than 60 programs to choose from.

Almost 25% of the student population that the campus receives each year comes from around the world. From the beginning of your studies until you graduate, you can count on LaSalle College to support you throughout your entire school career.


  • Curso


  • Cuota de registro
  • Gastos no descritos
  • Alojamiento y comidas.
  • Traducción de Documentos
  • Permiso de Estudios
  • eTA
  • Gastos Administrativos




PROGRAM Sessions Cost/Semester
3D Animation for Television and Cinema 3 (1,035 hrs) $ 7,850
Accounting and Management Technology 4 (1,710 hrs) $ 8,000
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 5 (1,800 hrs) $ 6,400
Artistic Make-up
– Master Class 1 (330 hrs) $ 6,700
– Fashion & Beauty 1 (330 hrs) $ 6,700
– Stage & Special Effects Techniques 1 (330 hrs) $ 6,700
Business Management 4 (1,605 hrs) $ 6,900
Event Planning 3 (795 hrs) $ 5,420
Early Childhood Education 4 (1,200 hrs) $ 5,920
Game and Level Design 4 (1,350 hrs) $ 8,650
Graphic Design 4 (915 hrs) $ 8,634
Information Technology Programmer-Analyst 4 (1,620 hrs) $ 7,720
Interior Design 5 (1,965 hrs) $ 8,164
International Commerce Import-Export (FITT) 2 (405 hrs) $ 4,600
Manicures, Pedicures and Artificial Nails 1 (90 hrs) $ 2,224
Media Strategies and Advertising 4 (1,155 hrs) $ 7,100
Network Management (CISCO and Microsoft) 4 (1,110 hrs) $ 6,270
Operations and Production Management 3 (660 hrs) $ 4,600
Professional Creative Photography 3 (1,020 hrs) $ 7,850
Project Management 1 (180 hrs) $ 4,600
Social Media Strategy 3 (900hrs) $ 7,100
Specialization in Business Intelligence 2 (795 hrs) $ 7,720
Transportation Logistics 4 (975 hrs) $ 5,920
Video Editing 3 (900 hrs) $ 7,850


REGULAR PROGRAM Sessions Cost/Semester
Accounting and Management Technology 6 (2,370 hrs) $ 7,500
Arts, Literature & Communication 4 (1,365 hrs) $ 7,000
Business Management 6 (2,265 hrs) $ 7,500
Creatives Industries Management 6 (2,265 hrs) $ 7,500
Computer Science Technology
– Programming 6 (2,730 hrs) $ 8,500
– Network & Security Management 6 (2,730 hrs) $ 8,500
– Video Game Programming 6 (2,670 hrs) $ 8,500
Early Childhood Education 6 (2,745 hrs) $ 8,750
Fashion Design 6 (2,775 hrs) $ 10,050
Fashion Marketing 6 (2,430 hrs) $ 8,750
Food Service Management 6 (2,790 hrs) $ 7,000
Hotel Management Technique 6 (2,850 hrs) $ 8,500
Social Sciences 4 (1,410 hrs) $ 7,200
Special Care Counselling 6 (2,745 hrs) $ 8,750
Tourism Techniques – Specialization in Development
and Promotion of Travel Products 6 (2,520 hrs) $ 7,000


PROGRAM Sessions Cost/Semester
Aesthetics (DEP) 3 (1,305 hrs) $ 5,050
Computer Graphics (DEP) 3 (1,800 hrs) $ 8,050
Hairdressing (DEP) 3 (1,455 hrs) $ 5,050
Market-Fresh Cooking (ASP) 1 (525 hrs) $ 9,950
Professional Cooking (DEP) 3 (1,470 hrs) $ 9,950

**Pregunte por vigencia de precios.

Los precios son aproximados por persona en dólares canadienses, sujetos a cambio sin previo aviso.



  • Nivel de inglés avanzado.
  • Mayor de edad.
  • Certificado de Bachillerato para programas de Certificado, Diploma y Licenciatura.

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In CLASS Education We strive to help you fulfill your dream of studying abroad. Therefore, we offer you different flexible payment opportunities through our financial partners, specialists in educational credit, to complete any of our study programs. Whether you want to study English for a few weeks or study a full degree, with them, you can decide the amount of your financing line, both for the total cost of the course or simply for the amount you need.



You only require that a family member be between the ages of 21 and 70 with verifiable income and good credit.



Equal or staggered plans from 6 to 60 months.


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Sábado 15 de Febrero

Expo Santa Fé | CDMX | 10AM